Entrepreneurial Instinct is A Real Thing

“Entrepreneurial Instinct is A Real Thing”.

I heard this terminology for the first time last night, at e27 Jakarta meetup event. And also someone assured me that it’s a real thing. If you’re a real entrepreneur, you’ll have it in you.


Say you want to be an entrepreneur, you want to start your own business. First, you need to have ideas. And then decide which idea to start your business with. You need to believe in your idea, you need to have 100% confidence about your idea. And you’ll always find a way to make it work.

These many ways to make it work, are the reason behind the certain need for an entrepreneurial instinct. With the entrepreneurial instinct, you can pick the right battle. Maybe you did pick a wrong one or maybe you lose, but with this instinct you can think fast and decide to pick another one. Maybe a brand new one.

You will have better opportunity to win this new battle. Because you’ve failed once, you learned from the best, yourself.

So yeah man, it’s a real thing.


Don’t Judge. There’s Much You Don’t Know..!!

It’s been two or three weeks, I don’t remember exactly. Something about someone is bothering me. Well not just something, maybe more. I hated the person but tried to hide it. Keep my best at being professional during work time and meeting.

Yesterday, I thought I couldn’t take it anymore. Almost decided to do something unprofessional like that person did. Thank God my mind is a bit stronger than my emotion, it kept me from doing that ‘bitchy’ thing that I thought of.

Today, I talked to that person. At first it was about work. Then, I don’t know why or how we get to that conversation. We just do. At the end, I said nice things to encourage that person to get through whatever it is in life.


And then I realized, knowing only this part of that person’s life, made me so forgiving, so caring, even willing to take over that person’s responsibility at work. Well, I’m not a kind person that will easily do that. But I’m doing it now, after I know what that person is struggling with.

“It was wrong what you did, but I forgive you after I know your struggle,” I said it, but only I can hear. Sometimes I think there’s something like miracle in a person’s mind or maybe heart. We can hate, love, forgive, or even ignore people. But our mind and heart work together to decide which action to take at the end.

Agree, folks?